Peachtree Cases

Peachtree Cases: General Ledger

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Limit Details to 500: A client wanted to load up the Peachtree General Ledger from SQL Server 2000 using VB.Net. Peachtree was crashing on the test data with no diagnostics. Close inspection of the data revealed a header records with more than 500 details. When that header & its details were removed, the data loaded without crashing Peachtree. Turns out there is an undocumented limit of 500 detail records per header. That does not correspond to any data type I can think of so it is unclear how or why the 500 record limit was implemented.

Roundoff Errors: After getting past the crashing due to 500 details, the data loaded but Peachtree reported that the balance was off for some of the general ledger entries. Close inspection of the details showed that data type doubles were including 10^(-15) residues. Doubles were used in the sample code provided by Multiware. I switched to decimal data type for the Amount field. That dropped the round off error.

Table Initiation Failure: After more than a year of use, the client called about a problem they encountered with a new install. I called Robert Walraven at Multiware to discuss the symptoms. He said Peachtree may need to insert the first record in an empty General Ledger table. Indeed the clients General Ledger table was empty. We added a dummy 1st record through the Peachtree interface, then the data from SQL Server loaded just fine. Then we deleted the dummy record. That's legacy databases for you.